
Therapeutic Massage

60 Minutes: $90
90 Minutes: $110

Therapeutic Massage is massage using a combination of techniques such as deep tissue, lymphatic drainage and trigger point; Whatever is needed to resolve the client's specific concerns.

Sacred Soul Massage

90 Minutes: $135

Sacred Soul Massage is a unique blend of Reiki, crystals, aromatherapy, sound healing, Shamanic techniques, Oracle Cards and therapeutic massage to assist you in relieving stress,  letting go of emotional overload, calm the nervous system and balance your seven energy centers. This deeply healing and relaxing massage will help you to reconnect and ground you back in to your body, mind, and spirit.

Dohi Massage

90 Minutes $115

Dohi (doh-hee) is a Cherokee word meaning Peace, Serenity and Health. Dohi is a Native American style of bodywork that is intended  to honor and preserve Native American traditions.

This is a therapeutic massage that is infused with a beautiful blend of essential oils (the four plant medicines~sage, sweetgrass, cedarwood and tobacco), River rocks from Oklahoma, cornmeal, breathwork and smudging. Its energy and movement all set to the rhythm of Native American drum and flute music.

*Dohi is trademark of Lessons In Vitality .

Myofascial Lymphatic Drainage

90 Minutes: $115

Myofascial Lymphatic Drainage Therapy aims to gently and rhythmically move the lymph through the body, especially swollen areas of the body, relieving pressure and enhancing the functioning of the immune system. As both a preventative and remedial technique, MLD can be used for a wide range of purposes including faster recovery from injury, reduction of swelling and discomfort from pregnancy, and strengthened resistance to illness. It's great for mirgraines, ear aches, chronic pain and fatigue. It can be added to a regular massage or as a full body massage.

This offering is great for cancer patients needing to reduce lymphatic swelling after the removal of lymph nodes.


add on $10

Cupping is a technique that uses cups or suction devices that are placed on the skin. Once suction has occurred, they may be gently moved across the skin ( "gliding cupping"). The suction in the cups causes the skin and superficial muscle layer to be lightly drawn into the cup. Cupping is much like the inverse of massage-rather than applying pressure to the muscle, it uses gentle pressure to pull them upward. Cupping is used to relieve back and neck pain, stiff, tired and sore muscles, anxiety, fatigue, migraines and other conditions. Cupping may help break up and restore superficial tissue and is very beneficial for conditions like scar tissue. 

Silent Reiki

60 Minutes: $90

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy work that cleanses and balances the energy system in the body. As a result, the body's natural self-healing mechanisms strengthen, helping to establish optimum health. During a session, I work directly with your energy field to remove blockages, detoxify your system, and restore your vital life force energy. You remain dressed and relax on the massage table during the session. Reiki utilizes a gentle laying on of hands to conduct the necessary energy force between us. The benefits of Reiki range from the release of habitual mental/emotional stress to alleviating chronic pain.

Silent Reiki is all about allowing the energy to flow. In a deep meditative state, soft music and very little converastion your body will balance and begin to heal at a whole new level.

Reiki + Vibrational Sound Healing

60 Minutes: $150

This service incorporates the ancient Japanese form of energy work, Reiki, with ancient Vibrational Sound Healing to create a powerful healing experience. Both modalities work to with your energy field to remove blockages, detoxify your system, and restore your vital life force energy. In addition, Reiki and Vibrational sound healing helps with relaxation, clearing energetic blockages, chakra balancing, improvement of sleep, lower blood pressure, and support mental and spiritual well-being.

Vibrational Sound Healing

60 Minutes Solo Session: $90
60 Minutes Group Session: $30/person ( Minimum of 5 people)

Sound healing is one of the many ancient healing techniques I utilize to assist you in restoring your body’s balanced vibrational state and harmony. In sound healing, the practitioner plays a variety of instruments and “bathes” you in soothing sounds and vibrations, including singing bowls, tuning forks, bells, chimes, and drums.

Vibrational sound healing helps with relaxation, clearing energetic blockages, and chakra balancing. In addition, sound healing can improve sleep, lower blood pressure, and support mental and spiritual well-being.

Vibrational sound healing can also be done with a group. Invite 5 ore more people to experience a sound bath for healing.

Cacao Ceremony

Prices Vary

Modern day Cacao Cermonies are not trying to imitate the cultural rituals or ceremonies from another place and time. This is a tradition that is now universally carried on. A cacao ceremnoy is an opportunity to listen, connect and allow your heart to open and heal. Cacao is worked in harmony with genuine intention and respect. It is the desire to connect with Cacao and your inner being. Are you ready to recieve a new level of healing and connection?

During a Cacao Ceremony together we will enjoy a coaco beverage made from Ceremonial Cacao of South America. This Cacao is ethically harvested and produced by family farms. We will experience cacao through our sense of taste, smell, touch and sight. using our senses helps highten the experience and create that deeper connection. We will do a meditation to recieve messages from Cacao and our Higher Self. At closing we will have discussion about our experience and enjoy some sound healing.

End Of Life Doula

Prices Vary

Doula is a Greek word that means "woman who serves" 

An End of Life Doula is a person who assists the dying in dying a good death. We honor a persons traditions, beliefs and wishes. 

As an End of Life Doula I can help the dying and their family/friends cope with death through recognizing it as a natural and important part of life. 

With my training as a Doula, Massage Therapist, and Reiki Master, I can offer support throughout the process

  • In the pre-active stage of death, when one is still fairly well and able to make decisions about death and planning

  • During the four elemental stages of dying

  • In the active stage of dying

  • at the point of death and afterwards. 

As End of life Doula my goal is to provide the people who are dying with needed care in four areas- physical comfort, mental and emotional needs, spiritual issues and practical tasks. I am also here to support the family and friends in small ways also. This can be done in Hospice, skilled nursing facility, hospitals and the home of the dying.

Want to know more about what an End of life Doula can do for you or your family, please contact me directly.

Reiki Level 1 & 2 Training

16 hours : $350 (two days)

Reiki Master Teacher Training

6 hours: $550-$750

Usui or Karuna (Holy Fire) Reiki

Soul Retrieval

120 minutes $200

Soul retrieval is the realignment to our True North. A calling back, of parts us, bringing it back home to our energetic (soul) self.

This technique, through gentle meditation and journey work, we work together to bring back the soul piece to you that is ready and willing to return home. Home exists within the seat of your soul ~ Your heart.

It is a Remembering of Who You Are.

Prayer Bundle

(Despacho Ceremony) This is a 2 hour Ceremony

$100 Indiviual $185 for two people (two bundles)

The prayer bundle holds elements that are symbolic to the one who creates it.

This bundle is unique to you and uniquely you. It is a living prayer that shifts your energy, bringing in hope, love, release, forgiveness, gratitude and so much more

It is a living prayer that holds the inner truth of you, your soul, your wishes of healing and your lightness of being.

It is the end of one adventure and the beginning of another.

Creation of a prayer bundle is not only a beautiful catalyst to soul healing but a ceremony of quantum energy (physics)

It is the reminder that the world we live in is not only separate but connected as a whole.

A prayer bundle is an honoring of all the elements, the great cosmos, the ancestors -all of creation

The act of creating a bundle, having an intention both help you get back to a place of balance. Balance with yourself with each other and earth. It helps bring us in to a place of “right relationship” with all life.

This is the beginning of self-healing and insight to your Higher Self (your inner compass)

To begin we start with a smoke smudge of sage or palo santo. This is an energetic clearing to assist us in keeping our energy bodies clean and our intentions of creating the bundle pure and for the highest good of all.

This is followed up with us sitting and visiting to discover your intention for the bundle while enjoying a Cacao drink plain or delicately flavored with flower essences

Next, we choose from an array of dried herbs, fruits, plants, flowers, candies and other natural objects to put in the bundle. Write a love note or wish on a piece of paper, or whisper your prayers and intentions into it. You may also bring something you would like to add to the bundle that is meaningful to you.

 When everything is chosen and we have our intention ready, we tie up the bundle and whisper a gentle prayer.

Then you can take the bundle home and burn it, place it on your alter, or a special place in your home.

 I can take it and burn it in a fire ceremony at a future date.

This experience will be done outside in a natural setting, weather permitting

Can be done individually, with a friend or family member.

Prayers are always answered one way or another. The Universe is always conspiring in our favor

Policies :

  • I respectfully request a 24 hour notice of cancellation. Three or more cancellations in a row or close to each other, you may not be rebooked.

  • A $45 fee will be charged at your next session if you cancel after the 24-hour time limit or if you are a NO SHOW..

  • Late arrival: I will accommodate you as best I can, you will receive the remaining time of your scheduled session, but I will  charge you full cost of the session.

  • No show:: If you repeatedly are a no show you will be charged for the sessions and no longer be scheduled.

  • I understand that emergencies, illness and weather events are not planned. Please reach out to discuss..

  • If you have received ANY vaccines, please wait for your session at least 48 hours. Massage can push the vaccine further into your system faster than expected and cause flu-like symptoms

  • If you have had any surgeries, blood or plasma donation, temporary heart monitor or any medical procedure recently, please call to discuss. If you have a pre-op appointment that conflicts with your session, please reach out as soon as possible so we can reschedule you appropriately.

  • I accept cash, check, credit/debit cards, HSA and FSA.

  • A $5 service fee is charged for using credit/debit cards

  • Return check fee is $50

  • When Gift certificates are made available. They are non-refundable, have no cash value and are not transferable.

  • This is a professional establishment; there is ZERO tolerance for any sexual advancements or comments. Client release from further sessions will be at the discretion of the therapist/business owner. 

  • Policies are set in place to protect you and me, they are effective until further notice.